“The Southwest Passage” is a proposed waterway that runs from the Mississippi River to the Gulf of California. It could be funded by private industry and produce $500-Billion per year in gross revenues for the US economy. It would deliver 12-Trillion gallons of water per year to the desert southwest, while providing flood relief in many areas of the country. Other benefits include:
Economic Highlights:
- Provide 94-Gigawatts of electrical peak power storage, (eliminating the need for new power plants).
- Provide a barge, rail and pipeline transportation corridor connecting the Pacific Ocean to the central US.
- Provide additional Mexico border security.
- Provide quality food for over 1.1-Billion people for decades to come.
- Reduce Carbon Dioxide emissions by up to 1.6-Billion tons per year.
Economic Highlights:
- Estimated Land Value Increase based on 12-Million Acres in the Desert Southwest…….....$ 12-Billion
- Estimated On Peak Electrical Power Generation Value……………………………………................................$ 57-Billion
- Estimated Water System Value..…………………………………………………………...........................................................$ 12-Billion
- Estimated Transportation System Value……….………………………………………................................................... $ 2-Billion
- Estimated Minimum Project Value When Completed…………………………………..….................................$ 83-Billion
- Estimated Cost to Construct The Southwest Passage - Northern Route……………….................. $ 60-Billion